Yunismar Tita, Nofialdi ., Ifdal .


Most of cocoa beans in Indonesia are produced by small scale farmers with various problems affecting quantitiy and quality of the product. This research aims at analyze this question by looking at the cocoa farmers entrepreneurship spirit, at the farmers internal (age, formal education, non-formal education, experience, and motivation) and external (capital, marketing, and farmer institution) factors, and at how  these factors may relate to the farmers enterpreneurship. The research was conducted in the municipality of Sawahlunto. We did a survey, involving 40 farmers selected with the method of clustered random sampling from the population of the cocoa farmers in the municipality, was employed to obtain the data. The farmers entrepreneurship spirit was measured ordinally using Likert scale, the farmers internal and external factors were categorized and described using descriptive statistic,  and  chi-square method was employed to test if there was relationship between the farmers internal and  external factors with their spirit of entrepreneurship.  The research shows that more than half  (60 percent) of  cocoa farmer entrepreneurship in Sawahlunto is in medium category characterized by medium level in creativity and low levels in innovativeness,  opportunity utilization, willingness to face risk, and willingness to hard work so that the operational aspects of farming, finance and marketing for each of these properties are also at medium and low categories. Most of   cocoa farmers in Sawahlunto are in categories of medium old, medium formal education, low non formal education, medium plantation experience, and low and medium motivation. In terms of external factors, most of the famers fall are  categories of low capital, low marketing,  and medium farmer institution.

Kata kunci  :  Kewirausahaan, Petani Kelapa, Faktor Internal, Faktor Eksternal  

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