Nofialdi Nofialdi, Zelfi Zakir, Syahyana Raesi, Rina Sari, Rini Hakimi, Zednita Azriani, Cipta Budiman, Lora Triana, Afrianingsih Putri
Abstract: The study aims to analyze the business potency of urban vegetable farming in Andalas University from farming and marketing aspects. This research was conducted in Kapalo Koto, Kecamatan Pauh, Padang and used survey methods. The data used in this study were primary data and secondary data. Data was analyzed using descriptive statistics. Vegetables business has the potency to be developed. The vegetable crop produced by farmers around the Andalas campus are kale, eggplant, spinach, chickpea, melon, cucumber and chili peppers. Farming activities are: land preparation, seeding, planting, fertilizing and spraying, harvesting and post-harvest. Farmers are doing good farming both production and implementation of cultivation technology. Farmers were doing a intercropping system and most of them are keeping livestock. Most of the vegetable were selling to Bandar Buat markets and stalls which are sold by current market price. We suggest that: (1) enhancing the quality and continuity of production, develop farmer groups capacity through the transfer of technology by faculty of agriculture through community service (2) establish marketing networks in the form of outlet which are linked to farmers’ institution and farmer groups involving faculty of agriculture, Andalas University in order to increase farmer selling price as well as an education centre for students.
Key words: vegetable farming, vegetable, business potency
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