Noni Novarista, Rahmat Syahni, . Jafrinur


The objectives of this research were to determine: (1) The level of animal food consumption in household consumer based on the level income in Padang City. (2) The factors that influence the level of animal food consumption in household based on the level income in Padang City and (3) The elasticity value of animal food consumption in household consumer based on the level income in Padang City. This research used econometrict approach by developing a model of demand function for animal food comodity by using data from the National Sosioeconomic Survey (SUSENAS) of Padang City in 2011, the data is cross section data. The number of samples are 77 households. The analysis is using the Almost Ideal Demand System (AIDS) model. The results of the research showed that the level of animal food consumption in household consumer based on the level income in Padang City has been over the national nutrient norm standard. Household demand in Padang City for animal food agregately was influenced by the price of comodity both price elasticity and cross price elasticity, household income, the number of household member and housewive age and specifically based on the level of income on each comodity were influenced by different denografi social factor. Both the price elasticity and cross price for household agregately, low income strata and medium income strata in inelastic. The price elasticity of chicken egg and chicken egg cross price to chicken meat is elastic for high income strata. The income/expenditure elasticity is elastic to fish demand of household agregately, low income strata and medium income strata and to milk demand of household in high income strata.


Kata Kunci : Konsumsi Pangan Hewani, Almost Ideal Demand System (AIDS), Elastisitas, Konsumen Rumatangga.

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