Afrianigsih Putri, . Osmet, Rusda Khairati


This study aims analyzing the effect of cocoa export tax  on the volume of Indonesia’s cocoa export, the availability of domestic cocoa beans,  and its domestic price by using relevant monthly data from January 2009 to December 2012 and  appling simultaneous equation with two stages least square. The results show that the cocoa export tax have a negative relationship with the volume of its export and a positive relationship with  the availability of domestic cocoa beans. The volume of exports has a negative relationship with the domestic availability. In addition, the volume of exports is also significantly affected by the production and the exchange rate, but not significantly affected by the previous export prices. Only the volume of import that has no significant effected to this. Moreover, further analysis shows that the domestic price of cocoa beans only negatively affected by export taxes and the availability of domestic and positive effect on export prices.  In sum, the empirical analysis is consistent with theoritical suppositions about the impacts of export tax on export and domestic supply of cocoa beans in Indonesia


Kata Kunci: pajak ekspor, volume ekspor, harga domestic


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