Program Pengendalian Hama Penyakit Tanaman Terpadu dalam Rangka Menuju Pembangunan Pertanian Berkelanjutan di Indonesia

Vonny Indah Mutiara


The term of sustainable development has been popular since the Brundtland Report established in 1987. Since then, environmental issue awareness increased among countries and world organizations. Moreover, the issues of maintaining sustainable development in agriculture sector have come to surface in South Asia. These issues become more significant because Asian societies mainly based on the agriculture sector. Numerous agricul-tural scientists agree that modern agriculture confronts an environmental crisis. Over the years, recognizing the limitations of pesticides technology, led to the formulation of the concept of Integrated Pest Management (IPM). IPM program was introduced by FAO in mid 1960s as the preferred pest control strategy. Realizing the environmental impact of using pesticides, the Indonesian government waived subsidy for chemical pesticides in 1989 and at the same time IPM program was introduced in Indonesia. Using Java in Indonesia as a case study, this essay evaluates the effectiveness of the implementation of IPM in paddy field in order to achieve sustainable agriculture development. Learning from the successful application of IPM program, it is hoped that IPM can be one of the components of agricultural development strategy in Indonesia.

Kata Kunci: Integrated Pest Management, Indonesia, sustainable agriculture development

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