Rina Sari, . Hasnah, Chairul Fadilah


This research was carried out because there were many farmers who did not work on their farm continuously when sale price of gambir was low.  When the farm is not used continously, the production and efficiency level of farm operations will be affected.  Besides, more women will involve in farm operations, especially in weeding process. This research was aimed to : (1) analyze the comparison of technical efficiency level between the farmers who worked on their farm continuously and those who worked discontinuously, (2) analyze the effect of women’s involvement on technical efficiency level of farm operations of gambir. Based on the research, technical efficiency level of farm operations of gambir in Kenagarian Simpang Kapuk ranged from 0.25 to 0.80.  Efficiency level of the farmers who worked continuously was 0.75, mean while those who worked discontinuously was 0.45.  The research showed that the technical efficiency level of farm operations was greatly influenced by the discontinuation of using the farm.  Women’s involvement did not influence the efficiency level of farm operations.  However, they will work better if they get payment.

Kata Kunci : efficiency, women’s involvement

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